Basic Identity Applications





Art Director

Carlos Martínez


Mar Trava


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Bienal Comunicación
Jorge Carlos Zoreda

Jorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal ComunicaciónJorge Carlos Zoreda by Bienal Comunicación


Archi­tect, plas­tic artist, and pro­fes­sor from Yucatan, Mex­i­co, whose work in archi­tec­ture is nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized. With his son, Rober­to Zore­da, they formed a tal­ent­ed pro­fes­sion­al team that result­ed in a new pres­ti­gious studio.


Jorge Car­los Zore­da want­ed a graph­ic iden­ti­ty that rep­re­sent­ed the merg­er with his son Rober­to Zore­da. The new firm grace­ful­ly com­bines the plas­tic and arti­sanal prin­ci­ples of archi­tec­ture with the tech­nol­o­gy in this dig­i­tal era of information. 


Their graph­ic iden­ti­ty is based in tak­ing all archi­tec­tur­al process­es in a plas­tic, craft­ed way, cre­at­ing a unique char­ac­ter­is­tic seal in every and each of their projects mak­ing them unique and incom­pa­ra­ble. We cre­at­ed a very sym­met­ri­cal and mod­ern logo which is coher­ent with the dis­ci­pline and at the same time reflects the pres­tige the team has earned. For sta­tionery ele­ments, we took draw­ings from their sketch­books to reflect the artis­tic and hand­made vision that defines their work. 

We wanted an identity that would demonstrate our artisanal creative processes, and also be congruent and professional. We believe in the authenticity of every building, its coexistence with nature and urban planning worthy of the city’s inhabitants. When they asked for my sketches notebook to work on my image, I knew that it would be a good idea because it would reflect my mental process as an architect. Finally, when we saw the finished work, with the sketches applied to make every piece of paperwork authentic, it surpassed our expectations and the decision to choose it and use it was unanimous. — Jorge Carlos Zoreda, Architect at Jorge Carlos Zoreda

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