Comprehensive Identity Programs






Executive Creative Director

Mike Rigby

Creative Director

Ben Miles

Senior Designer

Jo Roca

Senior Writer

Lex Courts

Senior Motion Designer

Mike Tosetto


Kalina Gondevska, Andy Wright


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The sec­ond largest tele­coms provider in Aus­tralia, the brand orig­i­nal­ly set out to offer choice in a monop­o­lised indus­try, reg­u­lar­ly intro­duc­ing gamechang­ing inno­va­tions to help cus­tomers. In recent years, as the mar­ket reached sat­u­ra­tion, the com­pa­ny lost sight of its pur­pose, and it declined in rel­e­vance and brand consideration.


To change the per­cep­tion and feel­ing around AGDA—from an asso­ci­a­tion per­ceived as behind, cor­po­rate, and closed off, to one ful­ly open to new tech­nol­o­gy, new oppor­tu­ni­ties, new ideas, and of course new mem­bers. It also need­ed to be open to new disciplines—such as dig­i­tal design, motion design, writ­ing for design, and branding.


AGDA is the con­nect­ing force that unites our indus­try. It cel­e­brates the things that make us dif­fer­ent and the things that pull us togeth­er. The per­fect bal­ance between uni­ty and diver­si­ty. The logo con­nects at either end, rep­re­sent­ing a chain-link of the indus­try com­ing togeth­er. The idea was to keep the core brand ele­ments time­less; to resist the urge to make the iden­ti­ty too trendy or cool. That way, there is space for dif­fer­ent design­ers to be more expres­sive around the logo and typog­ra­phy, while the core ele­ments remain for years to come.

The experience of working with the Interbrand team was incredibly insightful. They clarified ideas that we as an organisation already had but also provided insights into our business that we had not even considered. Big ideas and a bold new direction. The result was a fresh, flexible and unexpected brand identity that has already begun flourishing in the hands of other designers. Our visual identity has never been so sharp and our future has never been so bright. — Nicholas Eldridge, AGDA National Treasurer & Interim CEO

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