Comprehensive Identity Programs





Creative Director

Marc Hohmann


Marc Hohmann, Sam Ayling, Imri Larsen


Steve Lawrence, Amit Sabharwal, Benjamin Grant


Brendan deVallance


David Arky Photography, Stanley, Lippincott


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STANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by LippincottSTANLEY by Lippincott


The flag­ship brand of the Stan­ley Black and Deck­er port­fo­lio, has been rec­og­nized as one of the lead­ing glob­al hand tool man­u­fac­tur­ers for the past 170 years. In recent years, how­ev­er, the brand has dra­mat­i­cal­ly grown into new indus­tries such as secu­ri­ty, health­care, infra­struc­ture, and oil­field services.


To get the prop­er recog­ni­tion for its diver­si­ty and growth STANLEY need­ed to move beyond the com­mon per­cep­tion that it is a brand just for hand tools. The chal­lenge was to pre­serve STAN­LEY’s strong her­itage as a reli­able, high-qual­i­ty, and trust­ed prod­uct man­u­fac­tur­er, while ele­vat­ing the brand into the ranks of the world’s lead­ing mul­ti-indus­tri­al companies.


Our goal was to cre­ate a posi­tion­ing and a visu­al iden­ti­ty that sig­nal the evo­lu­tion of an agile, uni­fied brand. Cohe­sion was achieved with Per­for­mance in Action, focus­ing on the excel­lence inher­ent in every STANLEY prod­uct, employ­ee, and busi­ness, and was com­mu­ni­cat­ed through new posi­tion­ing, archi­tec­ture, and mes­sag­ing guide­lines. The visu­al iden­ti­ty is ground­ed in STAN­LEY’s her­itage, while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly sig­nal­ing their new direc­tion. The logo frees the STANLEY name while main­tain­ing the notch con­cept and the sig­na­ture yel­low and black palette that is syn­ony­mous with the brand. The result­ing shape is an arrow-like tri­an­gle that speaks direct­ly to the con­cept of action. 

The new STANLEY brand positioning and identity work by Lippincott has helped realign this 170-year-old iconic brand with the new STANLEY range of businesses, products, and services. This brand is now more than great tools, it includes Security, Industrial, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and more. The Performance in Action positioning, the new logo and identity work have helped energize our 48,000 employees and has been well received by customers everywhere. — Scott Bannell, Vice President Corporate Brand Management and Licensing at STANLEY

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