UnderConsideration LLC
Brand New Sketchbook / Type: Print / Client: UnderConsideration / Project Link

Brand New Sketchbook

As a promotional idea for Brand New, our blog focusing on opinions on corporate and brand identity, we opted for a product that involved our ever-growing readership in its content rather than just forcing a product upon them. One uniting practice among identity designers — whether they do work for Fortune 500 companies or their local laundromat — is that of sketching logo ideas, typically dozens of them before refining them in the computer, so we decided to inquire about the different reasons of why designers sketch logos. With more than 300 responses through Brand New and Twitter we selected the most compelling 30 and produced a modest 32-page sketchbook.

With simple typographic treatments the cover invites designers to sketch something brand new, and across the blank pages, the 30 quotes appear at the bottom of each page. Sturdy on the outside with its red-printed chipboard cover and soft on the inside with 100% Post-Consumer Recycled paper, the Brand New sketchbook performs in meeting rooms, coffee shops and, yes, even the local laundromat.

The Brand New sketchbook is available for purchase for $5 plus shipping is sold out.

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook

Brand New Sketchbook
