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Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis


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Param Jain



Kolor Kode

Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold is a thoughtful and highly visual thesis project geared towards parents of kids dealing with dyslexia. With fun illustrations and easy to understand explanations this project seeks to eliminate stigmas and labels, replacing them with goals and understanding. 

Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis

Sample illustrations:

Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis
Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold Graduation Thesis

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Project Description

Often very early in life, we encounter labels. We are told we’€™re “€˜sportsmen”€™ or “€˜writers” or "€˜intelligent"€™ and those labels resonate in our minds throughout the rest of our lives.

But there is odium associated with certain labels, for example, "€˜dyslexia"€™. Even though dyslexia is not necessarily associated with retardation, the public mind brands it as a disability. That kind of label begins at home and the parents"€™ attitude can make or break the child.

The book, "€˜Dyslexia: A Mind of Gold"€™ is designed for parents with kids diagnosed with dyslexia. While dealing with sensitive and information heavy content, the book has a light, informal and colourful tone. It brands dyslexia as a boon and guides parents to "€˜un-hide"€™ the genius within their child. The aim of the book is to let parents know why they should, and how they can, own up to their child"€™s dyslexia proudly.

The book has three major parts:
1. An illustrated story of a kid with dyslexia. It is to give an entry point to the parents into the book, so that they can begin to position themselves in the entire situation.
2. The story then connects to information about the brain and ends with dyslexia being equated to genius.
3. The last part is a ten-step program through which parents can begin to un-hide their child"€™s genius.

Production Lesson(s)

Getting perfect colours and cover jackets printed + desired binding can be a little troublesome at times. Major thing to be remembered next time - Go for printing one week in advance.”

Post Author

Author Picture

Bryony Gomez-Palacio

Editor of FPO and co-founder of UnderConsideration LLC.

More: Online / On Twitter


Date Published

September 19, 2016


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UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Bloomington, IN. More…

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