Felix, I share this in effort to fairly report the course of events. As you can see, she was not asking permission, she was just alerting me. My written response was the most polite way of telling her not to do the poster. I was more interested in upholding her spirit of expression than protecting my poster. I think she thought she was innocently carrying the torch, unfortunately, it wasn't her torch (or the appropriate torch) to carry. I felt that my rational discourse would surely dissuade her from using her poster and encourage her to come up with a more fitting design. I was honestly very surprised that she stuck with her design. In hindsight, I wish I had been clearer to her in forbidding the use of my poster. I'm disappointed to see it as the identity poster on the site where she solicits and displays works of prominent and respected designers. On one hand, I am proud to contribute to the iconography of a time, but am disappointed to see it degrade to a place like this. I'm also tired of getting calls from people that think I designed the awful thing.

It's ironic that Kimberly wants to challenge people to think hard about a particular issue and the ethics of it, but doesn't govern her own work with entirely the same conscience. Best, Craig