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Word It for April

I dislike harmony. I don’t care for its ability to impact my work, my playtime, my marriage, my conversations, my activities, my walks, my everything. Harmony is not gracious, leaving in a second, yet taking her sweet time in finding her perfect spot in which to snuggle—circling the area like a dog seeks his nap.

With harmony snuggled tightly around me I am able to complete what in her absence seems impossible, times when harmony has surely left the building—gone on vacation far, far away from me. I need harmony. I depend on harmony in the same way I need my morning coffee and my ever present to-do list. I hate harmony. I love harmony.

Oh harmony. Will I ever learn to accept you for who you are?

Harmony is the Word It for April.

April 01, 2008



JAMES ’s comment is:

addpoi uitrybb lluroid!

On Jun.23.2011 at 11:41 AM

Also by UnderConsideration

Speak Up
Discussing, and looking for, what is relevant in, and the relevance of, graphic design.

Brand New
Displaying opinions, and focusing solely, on corporate and brand identity work.

Corralling the most relevant and creative on- and off-line bits that pertain to the design community – and said community is openly invited and encouraged to add their hard-earned links.

FPO: For Print Only
Celebrating the reality that print is not dead by showcasing the most compelling printed projects.

The Design Encyclopedia
Describing, tracking and explaining culture, commerce, politics, media, sports, brands — everything possible, really — through design.

Designing corporate and brand identities and full development of printed and digital matter for clients and us.
  About Word It
+ Word It, is a division of UnderConsideration LLC, encouraging creative diversity in the community through monthly, one-word challenges.

+ Word It is run with Six Apart’s MovableType 4.2

+ In 2007, with F+W Media we published The Word It Book, an edited selection from the first 30 words
The Word It Book


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+ Word It reserves the right to delete any comment deemed offensive or unnecessary

+ All artwork is sole property of its author. Reproduction without the author’s or Word It’s permission is prohibited.

+ Word It is not responsible for the views expressed by each individual entry and its author. Nor does it represent Word It’s or UnderConsideration’s own opinions. We have zero censorship (unless deemed completely unpublishable material). If you have a problem with somebody’s entry we ask you to contact the author.

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