Announced Sep. 19, 2013 by Armin No Comments on 2013 Brand New Conference: Quotes and Tweets
Here is a very thorough summary with selected quotes from our 2013 Brand New Conference speakers and a very edited selection of tweets. Like what you see and read? Get the videos.
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Stuart Watson, venturethree

Selected, transcribed quotes
We’ve always had this belief that content is king, and it’s really hard for a creative to create things that are better than the stuff we love: the movie stars, the football players, the great athletes. Wo we wanted to just find a way of creating an identity that owns the content in a really clever way. (On The Times campaign)
We don’t really have a formula but we do love working for really big clients that touch millions of people, and we kind of call that ‘Mass Fantastic’. It’s this idea of everyday products made exciting for everybody.
It’s really hard to get work out into the world that you are proud of. I’ve managed it five times in 13 years, so that’s one project every 2.6 years; far from prolific. It’s always painful, I always think I’m going to get found out, but somehow you get there.
"It should feel like the carnival's come to town." @stuwdesigner on Sky's content-first branding. #BNConf pic.twitter.com/eggZRPhDh6
— Mucca (@muccadesign) September 13, 2013
Only in the UK is an abstract image of chubby redhead kid interpreted as about "childhood obesity" OR "ginger bullying." #BNConf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
“We don't just create [brand] guidelines and say goodbye.” – Stuart Watson of @venturethree #bnconf
— Brian C. Allen (@BigBearGarden) September 13, 2013
Brandvertising: Putting a branded message out there rather than an advertising message. #bnconf
— elizabeth kiehner (@kiehner) September 13, 2013
#bnconf, people love not being sold to.
— Sullivan (@sullivannyc) September 13, 2013
"It's really tough to get work you love out into the world." —@stuwdesigner, commiserating with creatives #bnconf
— Ologie (@ologie) September 13, 2013
@bnconf's first speaker @stuwdesigner showcases @venturethree project "Every goal matters" http://t.co/Yp8OH8vCbL for @skysports #bnconf
— M'Elena Holder (@melenaholder) September 13, 2013
"There was no marketing budget [for Little Chef], so we wanted to make objects that people would want to steal." —@stuwdesigner #BNConf
— Jack Curry (@thejackamo) September 13, 2013
Jason Klein and Casey White, Brandiose

Selected, transcribed quotes
We try to give them a risky idea, a riskier idea, and the riskiest idea.
I was so excited I was, like, I’m gonna draw all of our concept sketches in red colored pencil. That was the dumbest idea ever. Oh, yeah, like really go method. There was, like, red dust everywhere, and it wouldn’t erase. (On designing for the Cincinnati Reds).
We love the history of baseball design and we love it for those same reasons of that history, that folksiness, the folk art and quality that it has in it. So we really try to carry on that tradition but try to add our own story elements to it.
"Are we in the baseball business or in the circus business? We're in the circus business" #bnconf #quips
— Brand New Conference (@bnconf) September 13, 2013
@brandiose watch closely how fans are acting inside baseball stadium in order to design a team brand that fits them = User research #BNConf
— Sophie Masure (@sophiemasure) September 13, 2013
Establish polar ends of your audience spectrum, and make sure the identity speaks to both. @Brandiose, on acceptance #bnconf
— Ologie (@ologie) September 13, 2013
"There's a lot of brainstorming & a lot of beer drinking." – @Brandiose on immersing w/ minor league baseball clients. #dreamjobs #BNConf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
Create rituals, and people will keep coming back. Sound advice from @Brandiose #bnconf #ologie
— Kyle Kastranec (@kastranec) September 13, 2013
"America's the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things." @Brandiose on #inspiration for Minor League Baseball #branding #BNConf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
Al Tuna rally cap. Brilliant marketing by @Brandiose speaking @bnconf. #BNConf #IWantAHat pic.twitter.com/1P2x6O4iy7
— Upside Collective (@upsidetweets) September 13, 2013
"[For the Cincinnati Reds] it was fun to think major league…but we're minor league guys." —@Brandiose #bnconf
— Jack Curry (@thejackamo) September 13, 2013
Josh Higgins, 2012 Obama Campaign

Selected, transcribed quotes
A friend of mine who had just graduated from design college suggested that I would be interested in graphic design. And I asked, you know, why she thought that and she said, “Well remember the fliers that you just to do for the band? That is a form of graphic design.” I said, oh really? that’s awesome I want to do that.
First time in American politics that online raised more money that the TV ads, and that really pissed off the old guard. They were unsure who these new kids were, playing with their computers, until the money started to rolling in.
We did a lot of vehicle wraps as well. It was surprising how some of the things that you think, like door hangers, I thought that those were some of the most boring, and uninspiring things, but they are the most important when it comes to an election, so we tried to make the best door hangers that we could.
Serifs on @BarackObama 2012 a way to show "hope & change standing its ground & persevering." @joshwhiggins on @H_FJ Gotham revision. #BNConf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
Obama is a hugger!#bnconf pic.twitter.com/1RAdEQSVIT
— Sullivan (@sullivannyc) September 13, 2013
Some guy talking about a small project that he worked on. No big deal. #bnconf #joshhiggins http://t.co/ML1lkhiDiY
— Brandon Land (@BrandonLand13) September 13, 2013
Brand consistency builds trust, and there's nowhere trust is more important than politics. —@joshwhiggins, from Obama 2012 #bnconf #ologie
— Kyle Kastranec (@kastranec) September 13, 2013
That last video by Josh Highins… Fuck Yeah!!!!! Chills!!! #inspiration #BNConf #inspired #wow #obamacampaign
— THEE BLOG (@TheeBlog) September 13, 2013
"Good job guys, you really pissed them off this time." David Axelrod gives props to the http://t.co/vOpWuDutjK design team #BNConf
— Mucca (@muccadesign) September 13, 2013
#bnconf joshwhiggins about iterations on the donation page – big portrait + quote made a huge… http://t.co/Pu5p4Q0gpP
— Sophie Masure (@sophiemasure) September 13, 2013
'Dont ever test anything you can't live with…' @joshwhiggins #BNConf
— Tim Ruxton (@tim_ruxton) September 13, 2013
Debbie Millman, Sterling Brands

Selected, transcribed quotes
I wanted to know why they thought branding was so crucial to our lives right now in the planet, and how has branding become the reflection of branding has sort of become a reflection on the condition of our culture. Well, how did that happen? (On the interviewees of her book, Brand Thinking)
If you look at all of the anti-brand movements out there — the No Logo people, the Adbusters people, Starborgs, Buy Nothing Day — one of the interesting ironies to this backlash is how these brands are willingly employing the very tenets of branding that they so willfully disdain.
There was a lawsuit in 1921 titled “The U.S. versus 95 Barrels of Alleged Apple Cider Vinegar” and at that time it went all the way up to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court ruled that every statement, every design, or every device on a product’s label could not mislead or deceive. We were, as a species, legally entitled to buy brands that were safe for consumption.
"How did something like Myspace go from file storage to world wide social site in 12 months of its conception?"#bnconf @debbiemillman
— Brand New Conference (@bnconf) September 13, 2013
@debbiemillman's talk at @bnconf is making me want to go back to school #branding #anthropology #whywebrand #iheartschool
— Anneliese Atwell (@AnnelieseAtwell) September 13, 2013
"A brand is a very personal, but universal, construct that we participate in." —@debbiemillman, defining the undefinable #bnconf
— Ologie (@ologie) September 13, 2013
"All early human behavior is one of two design-behaviors, Making or Marking!" @debbiemillman #bnconf
— Nick Chow (@nickcmyk) September 13, 2013
Learned a new word today from @debbiemillman — anomie. Look it up! #bnconf
— Brian C. Allen (@BigBearGarden) September 13, 2013
"8yrs old and I drew the Lays logo. This one drawing predicted my entire life." @debbiemillman at the #BNConf pic.twitter.com/l0zty1y9Eq
— Mucca (@muccadesign) September 13, 2013
We feel happiest when we are connecting with others.#bnconf
— Sullivan (@sullivannyc) September 13, 2013
Bob Gill

Selected, transcribed quotes
You have to look really hard to find an idea in graphic design. They are all LAYOUTS!
We are all such victims of what the culture tells us is good and bad, and hot and not hot. How are you going to do something original when the culture tells all of you the same thing?
I don’t have any particular style. I don’t see how you could have a style if you tried to solve each problem doing justice to it.
Bob Gill has been talking for 2 minutes and I'm already scared. LAYOUTS! #bnconf
— Sam Potts (@sampotts) September 13, 2013
"Stop thinking about what the dry cleaner's logo should look like. Go there and leave wen you have something to say" Bob Gill at the #BNConf
— Mucca (@muccadesign) September 13, 2013
Listen to the statement because the statement designs the solutions itself #BNConf
— Sophie Masure (@sophiemasure) September 13, 2013
“You guys all go to the same movies, watch the same shows. You’re a mob.” ~ Bob Gill at #bnconf
— A. J. (@diyaj) September 13, 2013
Most important thing you can do as a designer is to reinvent the world every day. And if you don’t, accept that you failed” Bob Gill #bnconf
— Sophie Masure (@sophiemasure) September 13, 2013
Incidentally, I had directed a porno playing in the theater next door – Bob Gill on an installation project proposal in Time Square. #BNConf
— John McGlasson (@jmcglasson) September 13, 2013
and #bnconf has hit an awesome new level. Loving Bob Gill.
— Randy Gregory II (@randygregoryII) September 13, 2013
Bob Gill to quiet audience at @bnconf: "IS THIS AN AUDIENCE OR A JURY?" #bnconf
— debbie millman (@debbiemillman) September 13, 2013
“I’ve been doing this since 1954 and I’ve never had a job where there isn’t the possibility of an original idea.” ~ Bob Gill #bnconf
— A. J. (@diyaj) September 13, 2013
Bruno Maag, DaltonMaag

Selected, transcribed quotes
They put the Roman lettering everywhere were they went in the entire Empire so therefore if you were a traveler going through the Empire you would see the Roman lettering, you would know you are under the Roman protection. That is branding.
And then. The. Hard. Sheer. Labor. Starts. That’s when you really earn your money. When you have to do spacing and kerning. Just imagine: Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic, it’s about 800 characters and you have to kern it. That’s a week’s worth of kerning. It’s the most boring job you can imagine. I usually put on the newbies on to that. You know, they have to earn their spurs. I pay them good money. Kern!
What I really like about this project is… it’s not Helvetica. It’s not even sans serif. And that makes me very happy because for the last twenty years every single client has asked me to design a sans serif typeface and I am so bored of sans serifs. It’s unbelievable. I want to do serifs. They are so nice.
I really do love @DaltonMaag #Rio2016 #typography. @BaldCondensed's inside look from @FontShop's #fontfeed: http://t.co/CdaX1sTAiq #BNConf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
The pen is mightier. "You shouldn't be let anywhere near a computer unless you can see." Bruno Maag at #BNConf pic.twitter.com/EfiNL1eXTi
— Mucca (@muccadesign) September 13, 2013
Design extreme weights first @DaltonMaag #bnconf interpolate later pic.twitter.com/pDLjdpf5Zu
— Sam Becker (@sambeckerdesign) September 13, 2013
Every new employee has to go over 4 months of training starting by calligraphy, then paint letters than you can use computer #BNConf
— Sophie Masure (@sophiemasure) September 13, 2013
Arial doesn't express you unless you're boring! @DaltonMaag #bnconf
— Sam Becker (@sambeckerdesign) September 13, 2013
No wonder there's not many Chinese #fonts. Government has insane standards & minimum $25k certification fee. @DaltonMaag going off! #BNConf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
"If you do need a #SansSerif, please don't do anything #helvetica." @DaltonMaag. @FontShop's alternatives http://t.co/6HrJuW2jRt #bnconf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
Matt Stevens, The Design Office of Matt Stevens

Selected, transcribed quotes
I was trying to think of an analogy, what that has been like for me, and for me you know, I had a full time job and it was kind of like working hard to lay down tracks in a different direction.
Poor Dunkie had been hijacked by someone and it was really confusing because it was like, you know, a blatant rip-off of an unofficial version of a real mascot for a pretend rebrand… so, what do you do to deal with that? (On Varsity Donuts ripping off his April Fools work)
You can’t minimize risk enough for it to no longer be risk.
I love what I do. I keep this [picture] by my desk to remind me what I love about it. I’m really greatful to get do it, and the best thing that I get to do is try to chase that feeling of that kid sitting on the kitchen floor, drawing whatever he wants, and kind of losing time in it.
@MattStevensCLT just made a #Voltron reference via personal shoe design exercise. YES!! @bnconf #bnconf
— Scott Lewallen (@ScottLewallen) September 13, 2013
Great work by a pure designer: Matt Stevens of Charlotte NC. #bnconf
— Sam Potts (@sampotts) September 13, 2013
"Most of the work that I have now, came from side projects." @mattstevensclt #bnconf
— Nick Chow (@nickcmyk) September 13, 2013
Best slide of the night. Thank you #brandnewconference #bnconf #mattstevensrocks #dunkindonuts… http://t.co/7coPL0P81F
— soosan joon silanee (@miss_soosan) September 14, 2013
Another #design conference reminding me I need to MAKE TIME FOR PERSONAL PROJECTS. #selfimprovement #writing #bnconf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
"Instinct is just as important as intellect." – @MattStevensCLT #BNConf #quote
— Rick Slusher (@TheSlush) September 13, 2013
Matt Stevens: max 100 #BNConf #nike #design #illustration https://t.co/A0IvgOr87j
— Kuu Hubbard (@hi_kuu) September 13, 2013
Michael Bierut, Pentagram

Selected, transcribed quotes
When I was thinking what to show you for this presentation I realized this is a special audience. The Brand New Conference attendees are… it’s an inside audience. […] This is an expert crowd.
If you can take some solace from the fact that I fail miserably too and Pentagram can do some crummy work now and then and lose jobs to other people maybe that will make you cheerful. I believe there is a German word for that: Schadenfreude. So feast away. Here we go.
I hate and love [paid pitches]. […] You get a fairly good brief but you don’t get any real give and take with the client that lets you inform the work so you just say “Okay, let’s make up some things that we might do for this and just at least show them how we think.”
@michaelbierut talks about #failure Lovely! Great close to this week. #bnconf
— Erika Grijalva (@baconegg) September 13, 2013
Wow @michaelbierut … even his "failures" are brimming with creativity and cleverness. #BNConf
— Dell Creative (@dellcreative) September 13, 2013
@emmajemm: Pretty sure that's Michael Bierut asking a question of Bob Gill. #bnconf http://t.co/HLCDRZRPxJ
— Emma Holder (@emmajemm) September 13, 2013
Michael Bierut giving us a glimpse inside @pentagram peer to peer behind the scenes. #BNConf
— Jim Ward (@averagejim) September 13, 2013
@michaelbierut shows the work they did at @pentagram for paid pitches. awesome to see how they present their projects to clients #bnconf
— Sophie Masure (@sophiemasure) September 13, 2013
"This is all the magic of photoshop, you'll see this water bottle again. Don't freak out." Full disclosure from @michaelbierut. #bnconf
— Meghan Arnold (@MeghanCArnold) September 13, 2013
.@MichaelBierut is a self-effacing gem. A great choice to close out a day of hilariously uncouth and inspiring talks. #BNConf @bnconf
— Mucca (@muccadesign) September 13, 2013