Dear Mr. Frazier, My name is Posterbomber and I have designed an anti-war poster that uses your "America: Open For Business" poster as a starting point.

I appreciated your poster of 2001 for its sincere expression of patriotism and elegant design. It was reassuring to see it around town at a time when the country was grieving and terrified. I thank you for making it.

One year later, we are in a very different place: With the country on the brink of making a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, it is time for a different discussion. I wanted to communicate my belief that this war is being marketed to the public on a mass scale; putting a twist on the "Open For Business" image afforded a perfect opportunity to do this.

The poster got a very positive response at the Oct 26 peace march. At a friend's suggestion, I have made it available online so that friends can have access to protest art. The website is pretty much bare-bones, but it functions.

I am writing to you out of respect to let you know that I have done this, so that if you happen to see it around, you will know who did it, and the spirit in which it was intended. I have included an acknowledgement which reads "w/ apologies to Craig Frazier" - if you would like me to remove it so as not to be associated with it, I will be happy to do so.

Respectfully Yours, The Posterbomber