A Division of UnderConsideration

Art of the Menu

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Chicken Dinner Restaurant

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Images via Image-Archeology.

Beginning as a roadside stand selling homemade berry preserves and pies, Knott’s Berry Farm grew over time into a full-fledged tourist attraction. The amusement park and Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant are still open today. Now surrounded by modern thrill’s, Mrs. Knott’s original recipe never lost that down home feel.

Visit Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Dinner Restaurant.


By Kelly Cree on 07.19.2012


Chicken Dinner Menu circa 1946

Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant

Chicken Dinner Menu circa 1949

Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant

Chicken Dinner Menu circa 1954

Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant

Chicken Dinner Menu circa 1959

Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant

Chicken Dinner Menu circa 1967

Knott's Berry Farm Chicken Dinner Restaurant


Art of the Menu, is a division of UnderConsideration, cataloguing the underrated creativity of menus from around the world.

Art of the Menu uses Typekit to render Proxima Nova by Mark Simonson and Adelle by Type Together.

Art of the Menu is run with Six Apart’s MovableType 6.8.8

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About UnderConsideration

UnderConsideration is a graphic design firm generating its own projects, initiatives, and content while taking on limited client work. Run by Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit in Bloomington, IN. More…

blogs we publish

Brand New / Displaying opinions and focusing solely on corporate and brand identity work.

Art of the Menu / Cataloguing the underrated creativity of menus from around the world.

Quipsologies / Chronicling the most curious, creative, and notable projects, stories, and events of the graphic design industry on a daily basis.

products we sell

Flaunt: Designing effective, compelling and memorable portfolios of creative work.

Brand New Conference videos / Individual, downloadable videos of every presentation since 2010.

Prints / A variety of posters, the majority from our AIforGA series.

Other / Various one-off products.

events we organize

Brand New Conference / A two-day event on corporate and brand identity with some of today's most active and influential practitioners from around the world.

Brand Nieuwe Conference / Ditto but in Amsterdam.

Austin Initiative for Graphic Awesomeness / A speaker series in Austin, TX, featuring some of the graphic design industry's most awesome people.


Favorite Things we've Made / In our capacity as graphic designers.

Projects we've Concluded / Long- and short-lived efforts.

UCllc News / Updates on what's going at the corporate level of UnderConsideration.
