Brand NewBrand New: Opinions on corporate and brand identity work. A division of UnderConsideration

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Swooshing Shipping

YRC Logo, Before and After

In 2003, Yellow Corporation, owners of the ubiquitous Yellow trucks, purchased Roadway Express, becoming one of the largest transportation, shipping and logistics companies in the U.S. — and changed its name to Yellow Roadway Corporation, later YRC Worldwide. This past January, YRC Worldwide introduced the new public-facing brand that will replace the Yellow and Roadway brands. Simply: YRC. The yellow and blue swooshes are meant to carry the brand equity from the two previous logos. The new lettering is meant to carry the pain suffered by those three poor letters that have been tortured to contort into impossible and atrocious forms. There is no saving grace for this logo, it’s all the wrong moves in all the wrong places, with disparate elements jumbled together. As our tipster noted, the logo was designed by SHR Perceptual Management; I couldn’t confirm, so if this information is different I’ll he happy to change it.

Thanks to Jason Roberts for the tip.

By Armin on Feb.06.2009 in Transportation Link

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Rodrok’s comment is:

yay! first comment!

Personally that font looks really bad, they look streeeeeetched big time. Please stop pulling those vectors.

I like the idea of combining the orange and blue for the merging of the two companies, very symbolic.

I give it a 5.2348 out of 10 points

On Feb.06.2009 at 08:59 AM

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Lanny Heidbreder’s comment is:

I find it appropriate that two of Death's scythes are built into the logo.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:00 AM

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Randy’s comment is:

Oh my lord. Pepsi, we have a contender!

Everything about this is just wrong.

Those letters, especially. Didn't we learn in school not to contort the letters?

Also, whats with the angles...this is going to look horrible, blown up on a truck. They should have kept the two company names separate, maintaining the identity of the trucks. I, for one, enjoy the orange color of the Yellow will be sad to see them go.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:04 AM

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Jeff’s comment is:

Maaaan Yellow was like the best logo ever!

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:07 AM

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Cary’s comment is:

Yep - this is far worse than anything I've seen recently. Really dreadful in all execution (or lack thereof).

There is a clunky feel to everything - including those ugly angled "swooshes", that scream delete me upon first viewing. Getting this thing on a semi is not going to help matters, it may cause a few accidents on the road. For the safety of the public, we should demand this thing go away quickly.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:11 AM

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Anonymous’s comment is:

This is like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie giving birth to a naked mole rat.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:28 AM

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Jonathan’s comment is:

I use to love seeing both these trucks on the road and now I get to see this YRC crap! Talk about from first to worst.

Did the dude just learn the direct selector tool? Not much to critique here... by far the worst type ever. period.

Who the heck is making these terrible logos! Two days in a row!

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:30 AM

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Jacob’s comment is:

That doesn't look, sound, or feel like a trucking company. Why make trucking look friendly and fun? Have you ever crossed paths with those guys in a truck stop? Yeah.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:30 AM

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Jonathan’s comment is:

I use to love seeing both these trucks on the road and now I get to see this YRC crap! Talk about from first to worst.

Did the dude just learn the direct selector tool? Not much to critique here... by far the worst type ever. period.

Who the heck is making these terrible logos! Two days in a row!

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:31 AM

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sra’s comment is:

That poor 'C' looks like it is trying to sneak away to avoid the shame.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:31 AM

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Jeffry Pilcher’s comment is:

I would not call this a "swooshy" logo. True swooshes don't bend at near-90 degree angles. Those are more like quasi-bevels or a semi-emboss.

That said, the logo sucks. Bigtime. There isn't one thing right about it.

The typography is hideous. What's up with the leg slipping out from under the R? Why is the C so narrow compared to the Y and R?

The italicized type inside the enclosure is weird. Why not skew the enclosure to echo the movement of the italics?

Now that I think about it, using a monogram for this logo is a bad idea in the first place.

This logo is all grand rationale and lousy execution. "We want to combine companies, so we'll mash their names together and use a monogram for a logo. BRILLIANT! We want to preserve the heritage of the two companies, so we'll surround the logo in the two companies corporate colors. BRILLIANT!"

Where did the shit brown in the middle of the logo come from though?

And why was the old Yellow logo orange? I always wondered about that.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:32 AM

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JonSel’s comment is:

What the heck has happened to the state of corporate identity?? This is like waterboarding for logos. There's really nothing else to say.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:35 AM

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Plamen’s comment is:

OMG! I do appreciate the effort though to make every single element of this thing as ugly and distorted it could be.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:35 AM

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Anonymous’s comment is:

there is no fixing this.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:36 AM

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Dave’s comment is:

That text is just brutal!

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:39 AM

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TQ’s comment is:

oh. my. lord.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:40 AM

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TFHackett’s comment is:

Does YRC offer "Hot Eats and Cool Treats"?

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:44 AM

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oak’s comment is:


ohmigod...I can still see it when i close my eyes...

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:45 AM

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am’s comment is:

Just plain sad - bad design period. No amount of bacon will make this identity look better. Boo and shame to the creator of this mark.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:50 AM

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M.’s comment is:

Man. There won't be many defenders for this one. It's terrible and made worse that it's eradicating a pretty classic logo (Yellow).

If forced to play devil's advocate, I guess I would say that the type treatment have almost had a chance, if not for the 'C', which is in a different universe than the 'Y' and 'R'.

Eff it, can't do it. The whole thing sucks.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:57 AM

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Ricky Irvine’s comment is:

If you look at the logo from a severe angle, the letters compress together, like street pavement letters. Maybe the idea is for the logo to look normal when you're on a highway and you see one of their trucks going the opposite direction. (Except that the C has no room for compression.)

Yellow Roadway is so much more fun to say than Why Are Sea.

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:03 AM

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jRod’s comment is:

seriously.... WOW.

The swooshes were pushing it, but the colors weren't all that bad. The shape was a least a good start.

But then they had to find some poor, poor typeface and contort the heck out of it. And we all know they paid $20K for this monstrosity.


On Feb.06.2009 at 10:10 AM

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Remy Overkempe’s comment is:

All I have to say: wow.

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:25 AM

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colormist’s comment is:

Two fairly decent logos mashed into one hideous one. Also, why YRC? Why not keep it as Yellow/Roadway. Yellow Roadway has way prettier imagery than YRC.

lol@death scythes.

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:28 AM

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Noah’s comment is:

oh yes, the brand equity of both companies is very much intact. as soon as i saw the swoops i thought, "of course! the only two shipping companies with decent typeset logos have joined forces!"

and seriously—"SHR Perceptual Management?" i'm guess no fewer than 40 people were involved in the creation of that name.

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:31 AM

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Tim Chambers’s comment is:

I still don't understand what was so wrong with the original Yellow logo? It was lovely:

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:40 AM

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Paul Riehle’s comment is:

that type is absolutely hideous, those poor 3 letters...

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:43 AM

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Leland Witter’s comment is:


On Feb.06.2009 at 10:48 AM

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Joe’s comment is:

That has to be the worst type treatment I have ever seen in my entire life!

Shoot the so-called designer. It is people like this who give our industry a bad name and cheapen our profession.

On Feb.06.2009 at 10:57 AM

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Lauren ’s comment is:

Wow Amazing! Beautiful! Where can I buy?

Oh wait, just had my coffee, and I'm going to have to retract all that praise.

Funny observation about the two scythes!

On Feb.06.2009 at 11:19 AM

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Emily Brackett’s comment is:

Is that smash of letters to remind you of that feeling when a truck gets too close for comfort at 70 mph?

On Feb.06.2009 at 11:29 AM

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Katelynn M’s comment is:

You know, i loathe to say that they should have just gotten a package deal with Blimpie on the Futura black. It would have been boring, but damned less painful than this fatal collision of characters.

What a mess.

On Feb.06.2009 at 11:35 AM

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damon’s comment is:

"This is like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie giving birth to a naked mole rat."


On Feb.06.2009 at 11:58 AM

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Alan’s comment is:

Horrid. I can't help but wonder if the client or the designer is ultimately at fault. Either way, it will be sad to see two solid logos replaced with a committee spawned monstrosity.

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:11 PM

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Jake Kouba’s comment is:

Dairy queen for robots! The underlying shape isn't so bad, but then they started to do stuff...

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:13 PM

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Nisio’s comment is:

This reminds me of a story...

When I was younger I worked for a web design agency, we were looking through the winners of some local web design awards and there was this truly awful site, one of the guys said
"Jesus, it looks like a blind person designed this."
After reading the accompanying text it turns out he was right, a blind person had designed it.

This logo looks like a blind person designed it, in Powerpoint, wearing mittens.

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:23 PM

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Von K’s comment is:

Why couldn't I get projects like this when I was a high school freshman?

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:23 PM

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L-Fo’s comment is:

I don't understand what happened with this from 2003? It wasn't great but it is better than this one they are rolling out now.

Source: Link

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:23 PM

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2fs’s comment is:


What I never got about the original logo (see Tim Chambers' photo in the comments above) is that dammit, that's not yellow - it's more like a shade of orange. Or are there parts of the planet in which that shade is really called "yellow"?

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:31 PM

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Emily Charette’s comment is:

I hate it when companies compress their unique, meaningful names into awkward acronyms. Just because it's more convenient does not mean it's better.

Save your abbreviations for the boardroom, we want personality!!

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:40 PM

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Ampersanderson’s comment is:

My eyes hurt.

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:46 PM

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Draplin’s comment is:

This hurts. Bad.

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:46 PM

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kevin Zwirble’s comment is:

Yeah, this is pretty atrocious.

Not only does it give off some weird, optical, dimensional, illusion, but it doesn't exude anything that a trucking company should. Reliability, tradition,? I don't know...All I know is whatever they ship is going to come out oblong, stretched, and awkward.

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:47 PM

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Pamela’s comment is:

And the client says:
"Tacky...I'm thinking something in the range of Tacky...and let's over lap the lettes in a way that expresses discomfort."

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:51 PM

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Scott’s comment is:

My "perception" is that they blew it when they changed their name and moved away from YELLOW.

Which was, in a word, intriguing.

Wow, SHT Perception Mgmt, you blew it. The counsel provided to this organization was poor and the deliverable even poorer. This alone sets the public relations and design industries back a decade in reputation. Thank you for providing such a terrific case study for my college students. Bravo!

On Feb.06.2009 at 12:53 PM

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Jonathan’s comment is:

Its been 5 hours, and I still can't get over this. Worst thing I've ever seen!

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:22 PM

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Nick Irwin’s comment is:

This logo makes my stomach hurt :(

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:31 PM

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daveO’s comment is:

even the teamsters hate it! you know its gotta be bad!

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:33 PM

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Katelynn M’s comment is:

"This logo looks like a blind person designed it, in Powerpoint, wearing mittens."


@lofo: That logo is definitely superior to this. I have to wonder why they would CHOOSE to "upgrade" from that to this. What didnt they like about it? The interesting use of both corporate colors and the "YR"? Even the dimensions lent themselves to display on the side of a truck.

Anything would have been better than this horribly mangled group of glyphs. If the creator of this monstrosity was so enthralled with distorting the letters, why did he/she leave the "C" there to look like some dodge-ball outcast?

It truly makes me want to delete Illustrator and stab myself in the eye with my wacom stylus.

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:34 PM

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Hibryd’s comment is:

I hate to add yet another content-free post to the pile on, but dear god, this thing sucks on toast. We've got TWO contenders for worst rebrand of 2009 in as many days.

And I second - no, wait - third the "naked mole rat" comment.

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:38 PM

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Jim MacLeod’s comment is:


Was the "C" added afterwards? The logo might be able to be saved if not for that C.

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:38 PM

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cmkg’s comment is:

The color comes from safety concerns.
From the YRC company website:
"In 1929, (company founder) AJ Harrell was concerned about road safety, so he commissioned the E.I. DuPont Co. to determine the color that would be most visible on the tractors from the greatest distance on the nation's highways. DuPont's research found the color Swamp Holly Orange. We still use this color on Yellow trucks today."

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:44 PM

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Rico’s comment is:

Great job. Take 2 iconic logos and turn them into 1 flaming turd. For my next trick....

On Feb.06.2009 at 01:59 PM

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Katelynn M’s comment is:

I was so disturbed by this "redesign" that I googled it and discovered this article regarding the change:

Roadway, Yellow to sport new logo

In this article, someone purporting to be the "Chief Marketing Officer" made this ironic statement: ''A brand is not an identity,'' Reid said. ''A brand is a promise, a promise in the marketplace. Visual identity is just one part of what makes up a successful brand.''

Seeing as how they are struggling economically, the only obvious answer was to convert to this logo, which according to the article was six months in development. Six months of developing what?!? What con artist got paid for six months of developing this garbage?

Oh lament...

On Feb.06.2009 at 02:06 PM

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Paul Lloyd Johnson’s comment is:

With an excellent name like "Yellow Roadway" they had a chance to create a really nice logo, something a little iconic.

I see a shooting star with a long tail on the left, with a dotted line coming up it to symbolise a road. All done in of course, yellow.

Not this. It looks like the sort of thing you see stamped into the bottom of a bucket or a really cheap engine oil branding.

On Feb.06.2009 at 02:41 PM

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BWJ’s comment is:

Can you please censor this one Armin? There may be young and impressionable designers in the room.

I hurts to think someone was paid for this.

On Feb.06.2009 at 02:43 PM

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Swifty’s comment is:

The Blimpie logo is bad, but it's at least competent, if unimaginative.

I can't even call this abomination "competent."

On Feb.06.2009 at 03:01 PM

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Tony’s comment is:

Get a life, it's a logo!!!!!!!! They're not going to have enough money to have the trucks painted anyway!!!!

On Feb.06.2009 at 03:03 PM

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Brad McCall’s comment is:

Other than looking Orange on most trucks, I really liked the "Yellow" logo and think it has a lot of brand recognition.

I'm not a big fan of the new logo because of it's odd letter combinations, color swishes (which seem like an addition to "add color" or represent a remainder of each brand, not a part of the logo itself) and the overall shape all the elements combined make don't have the same symmetry I liked about the Yellow logo.

On Feb.06.2009 at 03:19 PM

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BIG DADDY’s comment is:

sounds like tony's takin it a little personal, maybe you had something to do with it!

On Feb.06.2009 at 03:22 PM

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Jonny’s comment is:

YES...TFHackett, DQ was my first thought. Second thought was the "C" was freehanded amateurishly.


On Feb.06.2009 at 03:31 PM

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colormist’s comment is:

Big Daddy, I was thinking that exact same thing. Everyone seems to have the exact same view point on this one, except Tony. Is there something you'd like to tell us, Tony?

Epic blog, btw. The comments have me rolling.

"six months in development. Six months of developing what?!?" LMAO

Of course, to be sensitive to Tony, I've worked with horrible overly opinionated individuals as well, and after six months of pressure, eventually a designer bends to their whims.

On Feb.06.2009 at 03:32 PM

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R Berger’s comment is:

Yes Really Crappy

On Feb.06.2009 at 03:42 PM

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Glenn Sakamoto’s comment is:


On Feb.06.2009 at 03:56 PM

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oscar’s comment is:

I'm with L-Fo - what was wrong with the YRC worldwide logo? It's definitely better than this atrocity.

On Feb.06.2009 at 04:20 PM

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Jesse Woodward’s comment is:

Harsh. Yellow was classy before this.

On Feb.06.2009 at 04:25 PM

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Joe’s comment is:

Man, this is soooo bad when it could have been soooo good. It's so depressing to see a mistake this bad.

On Feb.06.2009 at 04:33 PM

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Billy’s comment is:

Here there's a rule : never try to play with fonts unless you know exactly what you do.

This new logo looks like a 10-years old little boy who wanna be graphic designer that want to help his grand uncle...

On Feb.06.2009 at 04:42 PM

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mm’s comment is:

"YRC Worldwide introduced the new public-facing brand that will replace the Yellow and Roadway brands. Simply: YRC."

Step one in going awry.

Take two names which have been successful, partly because their names were memorable and concrete, and mash them into some letters that nobody will remember. Just another logistics company with a useless abbreviated name.

So, in an effort to 'preserve the legacy' of both, and not offend either by picking one and going with it. They get caught in a game where they mash them together and make something that has no potential on it's own. They have hints of the legacy (not that anyone would know seeing the logo on a truck), but that equity fades as time erases what was there.

Sentimentality and internal politics is keeping them from doing what they need to do: Choose a memorable name, and use it. Forget the past, the future requires a tough call.

But apparently, nobody was willing to make that call. So the new name is meaningless. And with the foundation of the brand off, why wouldn't the logo suffer from the same symptoms?

On Feb.06.2009 at 05:30 PM

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DG3’s comment is:

Did they have one of their own truckers design that?


On Feb.06.2009 at 05:52 PM

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Tony Spaeth’s comment is:

L-Fo asks "I don't understand what happened with this from 2003?," pointing to Apparently, it will survive, now as the visual identity of the corporation itself, renamed YRC Worldwide...
The new mark is thus not corporate, merely the rebranding on the trucks themselves. Most confusing, inherently unstable; two marks that designate essentially the same thing.

On Feb.06.2009 at 06:13 PM

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Jerry Kuyper’s comment is:

Blimpie was a misdemeanor, YRC is a felony.

We need the equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath for designers.

On Feb.06.2009 at 06:41 PM

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lucid’s comment is:

At what point do we take these young corporate designers outside to be shot, I mean really what the hell is happening to American corporate ID!

I think all of the young Corp Id people in high positions must have come from web design classes.


On Feb.06.2009 at 07:54 PM

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Barclay D.’s comment is:

YRC takes the early lead in the worst of 09.

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:24 PM

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Justin Hill’s comment is:

"Dairy queen for robots! The underlying shape isn't so bad, but then they started to do stuff..."

Maybe Optimus Prime gets his Lugnut Blizzards at YRC! XD ROFL!

On Feb.06.2009 at 09:27 PM

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Serviceburo’s comment is:

Did any of you go to the SHR website? This thing was even worse than the logo. . . some sort of animated rave flier that made me have a pokeman-style seizure and wake up in a puddle of my own vomit.

On Feb.07.2009 at 12:43 AM

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Scott’s comment is:

"SHR develops innovative approaches to creating, revitalizing, and managing brand perceptions to drive marketplace performance for small, medium, and large cap companies."

"We bastardize your existing images. We exchange in heavy doublespeak. And we are willing to work with companies of any size."

Complete S. H. I. T. E.

On Feb.07.2009 at 07:31 AM

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Lindsay’s comment is:

They should have just gone with YRCW logo, rather than this. Armin, you have your worst for 2009, I don't think anything can top this.

Here is a bigger version of the YRC Worldwide one

thanks L-Fo or the original link

On Feb.07.2009 at 08:21 AM

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Dale Harris’s comment is:

I do not understand. This is woeful.

On Feb.07.2009 at 08:25 AM

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bjorn’s comment is:

That's hideous. Nothing redeeming about that piece of work. Just bad.

On Feb.07.2009 at 12:10 PM

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Yeison Agudelo’s comment is:

are you serious? ugh this looks so old what a bad "change"

On Feb.07.2009 at 12:26 PM

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flask’s comment is:


When I was a kid, I noticed that a lot of adults would refer to that color as "yellow," which to me is more "orange-yellow," or for simplicity's sake, just "orange." Teachers always seemed to do it; they'd say, "look at the yellow box on page 23," and we'd all be confused because all we saw was an orange box.

Don't get me started on people referring to violet as "blue"... :)

On Feb.07.2009 at 04:27 PM

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Sab’s comment is:

Pepsi, Blimpie, YAC! -sorry- YRC...Is this a creative recession? The list of the worst of the year is increasing. What a shame.

On Feb.07.2009 at 05:29 PM

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Laura’s comment is:

How is it that I'm unemployed if there is a designer out there getting paid for making this?

So, so, so bad.

On Feb.07.2009 at 06:55 PM

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DG3’s comment is:

On Feb.07.2009 at 07:13 PM

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Nate’s comment is:

In these times of economic uncertainty, I guess it would only be fitting that design harkens back to the prosperous days of Clinton, dot-coms, and swooshes.

On Feb.08.2009 at 11:42 AM

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Filipe’s comment is:

What happened to those letters? Oh my God, that's awful, really really awful

On Feb.08.2009 at 01:16 PM

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Kodie’s comment is:



I would like to see an article on this. The old logo was hilarious if non-informative. I saw this a couple years ago and thought it was awesome, or to whatever extent some amusing trucking company can make a long road trip awesome.

I didn't know that Yellow had merged. I also didn't know Guaranteed Overnight Delivery (G.O.D. trucks) went out of business (can't find current evidence that they exist). I am not "up on things," as they say. The new logo for Yellow just sucks, it is blah, it takes any identity either trucking company had and blandifies it. Blaaaaaaandified. I'm dying of boredom just to look at it.

On Feb.08.2009 at 02:15 PM

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Ash’s comment is:

Oh my...

I don't mind the logo, but what were they thinking when they decided on their font/lettering. Why would anyone do that??

On Feb.08.2009 at 07:58 PM

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Sean’s comment is:

Looks as though someone hit it with a truck?

On Feb.08.2009 at 08:27 PM

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XK9’s comment is:

Crap, crap, and... oh yeah, crap. I hope Daddy is proud of Junior's logo.

On Feb.08.2009 at 09:36 PM

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Mr. One-Hundred’s comment is:

Kill me. Just do it. Right now. Kill me.

On Feb.08.2009 at 11:17 PM

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Mongoose’s comment is:


Just F. I don;t need to say anymore. So, so bad.


On Feb.09.2009 at 01:08 AM

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fonzie’s comment is:

This feels like the CEO (or someone in upper management) kept making one more change, one more change, and then eventually provided a sketch to be copied.

On Feb.09.2009 at 01:08 AM

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Marcin’s comment is:

Really poor.

And the typo is horrible...

On Feb.09.2009 at 03:28 AM

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Paul Cooley’s comment is:

HAHA...Looking at that "Y" is like looking at a baby learning to balance and it's stretched and slanting to maintain stability.


On Feb.09.2009 at 04:21 AM

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jean claude vanMammal’s comment is:

Breaker Breaker 1-9, it looks like we got ourselves a logo design!

On Feb.09.2009 at 03:27 PM

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Mark’s comment is:



where to begin...

Well the italics look off, the Y and R don't match with the C,the Y looks WAAAAY too wide, the shape itself is okay, but it gets ruined by the blue and orange swooshes. It looks adequate but it needs more work. Fix the Y and R and tweak the swooshes, then it might look better.

On Feb.09.2009 at 03:34 PM

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Calvin Ross Carl’s comment is:

I agree with others that have already said it. The old Yellow logo was great. Then they ruined it with the gradient. Now they ruined it with the Hot Eats Cool Treats adjustments.

On Feb.09.2009 at 09:13 PM

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Joseph Murphy’s comment is:

I am a musician / graphic designer, and when I'm on tour, driving across the country, my favorite thing to do is pay attention to the logos of passing semis, and Yellow was one that I always admired - at least, the old old version of it, before they rounded the edges and put a shadow behind the text, or whatever it was that made it look 'new'. Now, if I see YRC passing me, it's going to piss me off more than Estes does.

On Feb.10.2009 at 10:59 AM

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Jerry Kuyper’s comment is:

YRC is a three syllable alphabet soup concoction that needs to be deciphered.

Yellow and Roadway are short, easy-to-pronounce, two syllable, real word names with decades of equity.

Selecting Yellow or Roadway as the integrated system name would have been a bolder and better brand decision.

For a Kansas based company I can't help wondering if they considered this name:

(Follow the) Yellow Brick Roadway

On Feb.10.2009 at 06:33 PM

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mm’s comment is:

@Joseph: Hahahaha. That E.. *shudder*

On Feb.10.2009 at 08:10 PM

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dMullins’s comment is:

Aww, man. That really sucks. Not too long ago on a road trip I was saying to someone how much I loved their clever little logo. What a shame.

On Feb.10.2009 at 09:39 PM

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Bruce’s comment is:

I can see the meeting in which the company discussed picking a design firm, and it ended with this comment: "My nephew is a senior in high school, and he's very artistic. I think we should have him design the logo." That's the only rational explanation for such butchered type.

On Feb.13.2009 at 08:30 PM

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RS’s comment is:

is it only me or well ... try say this

Y, R-c

to me that is-> whyArse!

On Feb.20.2009 at 01:50 PM

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Randy Hill’s comment is:

Horrid. Amateur. Pitiful.

On Feb.20.2009 at 03:29 PM

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Fonto’s comment is:

YRC makes me want to CRY

On Feb.20.2009 at 05:52 PM

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film seyret’s comment is:

thanks man

On Apr.14.2009 at 05:59 PM

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JeffT’s comment is:

I think we can all agree that this is one of the stupidest moves ever.

On May.05.2009 at 10:47 PM

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