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Technical Difficulties (Solved 🤞)

The latest update to WordPress, which I installed on Friday seems to have created a couple of significant issues. One, it stripped the header images from some posts prior to 2021 and two, it mysteriously removed all Vimeo and Youtube video embeds. It can be fixed going one by one and restoring the code but at 10,000+ posts that might take all week with 12 people on it so I’m trying to figure out a better solution. I was trying to get content up this morning but it’s hard to concentrate with so much stuff broken. Your patience is appreciated as I figure this out as quickly as possible.

Update 1: Header images are back. It’s not ideal but the solution was to roll back the version of the plugin used to display header images on old posts from before we ran Brand New on WordPress. But at least now I know that the problem was with the most recent edition of that plugin.

Update 2: The missing videos seem to be limited to be within the most recent 150 500 posts so we’ll probably be able to restore them throughout the day. No idea what caused those to disappear.

Update 3: Apparently the tag pages also got screwed up. Will fix later today. We have about six months of posts left to update to restore video embeds.

Update 4: Tag pages fixed. This had to do with an update to the podcast plugin, which I also updated on Friday. 2022 hitting hard.

Update 5 (2:45pm): Looks like things are back to normal now. If you spot any other weird things or missing videos let me know.

Sad balloon photo by Nathan Dumlao.


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